Covenant related tidbits

Christian identity or global identity?
My thought: the more you move away from the covenant way of life, the more difficulty you will have to hold on to your identity. 
Republicans are far more likely to cite a culture grounded in Christian beliefs and the traditions of early European immigrants as essential to U.S. identity. Democrats are more apt to point to the country's history of mixing of people from around the globe and a tradition of offering refuge to the persecuted. While there's disagreement on what makes up the American identity, 7 in 10 people — regardless of party — say the country is losing that identity. ZeroHedge
Sovereign individuals
"...everyone a sovereign..."
"We have to have a philosophy upon [which] we base our lives - a form of government to allow everyone to become a sovereign individual... the most motivational [system] for our species to advance"  William Pawelec, Air Force computer operations and programming specialist YouTube interview 
Feudalist struggles
Understanding the original covenant system helps us to see what happened when the relationship between lord and servants had soured. In this example, the Scots turned to a lord whom they saw as a higher authority: the Pope. In the Declaration of Arbroath from 1320 AD we can see all the covenant terminology and concepts:
  • father and son relationship (you become blood family when you have entered into a covenant with someone)
  • provision (privileges)
  • heritage (Nachalah - more about this in the next few weeks)
  • healing and restoring (healing under a lord's wing - more later)
  • rescue, salvation
  • bound (binding under a covenant)
  • seals of identity: covenant marks of the lords of clans

Declaration of Arbroath: a covenantal plea for deliverance to a higher lord

Read the whole covenantal plea for protection and deliverance here 


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